Bohdi, Lev and Sparkle leg

Here at Denim ‘n Dirt EAGL we VALUE the inner life of each individual. We believe that the “inner life” directs the “outer life” which is composed of relationships to self, others and even our work lives. Our inner lives” affect EVERYTHING we experience. It is our goal to help each person to explore their inner landscape-thoughts, feelings, values, decision making dynamics, spirituality, personal well-being needs, individual, families, couples and group dynamics. This is “arena of life” we work in with our patients. Meaningful emotional growth is our goal for each and every client.

The arena work gives everyone ample opportunity to experience insight, emotional development and creative problem solving through metaphor and action. I wonder how these kids are feeling? Do you think they are experiencing TRUST? Perhaps they are gaining CONFIDENCE? Do you see them expressing their curiosity?

What are these kids learning during this session? How do you think the horse is feeling? What non-verbal cues do you see happening in this picture? How is everyone feeling and why? One thing I see as a clinician is that these kids feel “very safe in their world.” Good going Mom and Dad!