Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch Calendar 2021
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TEXT ME AT 626-755-8926 FOR PSYCHOTHERAPY SERVICES VIA ZOOM (until it is deemed safe to be in person.) The following is a description of our EAP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM.
Certified EAP Training Program for Professionals and Experienced Equine Enthusiasts:
Curriculum I
Location: Canyon Country, Santa Clarita, CA 91390
Schedule: 10am- 6:00 pm daily (lunches are included). First day 8:30 am for registration.
Complete attendance is required in order to earn training certificate. CEs available for Mental Health Clinicians. 6 CEs per day. Once Curriculum 1 is completed, the applicant can sign-up for C2 which will be held at a later date.
Liability: In order to participate, each participant will be required to download, read and sign (and bring to training) a Release of Liability form. Please download from the website, read, sign and bring to the event.
Attendance: Attending the training does not guarantee certification (see certification requirements). Participants must be 18 years of age or older. No participant pets are allowed on the premises of the facility.
Refund Policy: No refunds but credit for another class will be available.
Certification: Denim ’n Dirt Ranch Certification of EAP training requires completion of both Curriculum 1 and Curriculum 2 trainings as well as a completed, written professional development packet (handed out and to be completed in Curriculum 2) and professional resume.
Cost: $650.00; Students $550.00; Group rate: 3 or more: $625.00
Checks, debit cards or credit cards accepted.
Mailing Address:
Dr. B. Jane Wick
Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch
19425 Soledad Canyon Rd. #111
Canyon Country, CA 91351
For registration email Please include: Name, address, and phone number on your email. You will receive an email back confirming that you are on the list of attendees in addition to other important information.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Dietary Considerations: Please let us know if you have any specific dietary or other special needs for your time spent with us.
*All attendees must download, read and sign liability forms and BRING it to the event.
For a brief description of our Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch training program read the following. For more details, go the TRAINING PAGE.
Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch EAP Professional Training Program
Our training program is geared toward clinicians who want to integrate their academic learning, clinical experience and skills with EAP. There is no unlearning in our training. We wish only to augment and enhance your clinical skills with EAP. We do not adhere to a solution-oriented therapy approach. We practice an experiential approach with eclectic orientations, clinical knowledge and skills. My early learning was grounded in analytic, self psychology and family systems and attachment theories.
We recognize that human problems are complex so we incorporate and integrate all of our professional clinical skills and wisdom with our EAP approach. Our program is geared toward seasoned and beginning clinicians who want to integrate their talk therapy skills with the EAP modality which is founded on the experiential model and Animal Assisted Therapy. Self psychology, interpersonal psychology, attachment theory, object relations, systems theories, social cognitive theories, parenting theories and CBT. Mindfulness informs our EAP work.
Completing the 3-day Denim ’n Dirt Curriculum 1 and a second 3 day Curriculum 2 training along with a written and completed professional packet is necessary for Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch Certification. Completing Curriculum 1 is required before advancing to Curriculum 2 training. A written professional packet is also required for completion of training. A DnD training certificate will be granted to each individual who completes the program.
Standards of each team member in a Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch Model practice:
The Denim ’n Dirt Model is based on a co-therapy team that includes a mental health clinician, an equine clinician and at least one or more equines in all sessions. The following descriptions include the required criteria for the mental health clinician and the equine clinician. Interns and students can be included as part of the therapy team as long as there is a licensed mental health clinician present and supervising the interns and students.
Mental Health Professional
- Mental Health Professionals need to have at least a masters level degree in a mental health field, such as social work, psychology, marriage and family therapy, or other health professions that include mental health as part of their practice.
- Professional must stay within his/her scope of practice and follow city, county, state or country, laws and regulations regarding mental health practice.
- Professional needs to be under a governing board or association that can hold him/her accountable (or under professional supervision by a licensed supervisor who operates under a governing board or association).
- Professional must be registered or licensed by their state board unless they are a student.
Equine Clinician Professional:
- Equine Professional must have 4,000 hours (equals to approx. 2 years full-time work) experience of equine handling. Professional must demonstrate confidence and comfort in handling equines. Equine Professional must have significant experience in equine groundwork, the ability to read and understand equine non-verbal communication and general knowledge of horse psychology and equine care. Equine Clinician must have experience handling easy and difficult horses. No ability to ride is required.
- Professional must have completed at least 60 hours of continuing equine education including equine groundwork, equine care and horse psychology. Equine professional will also be required to complete a professional package at the end of C2.
- 40 hours of the continuing education listed in #2 must have been completed in the last 4 years.
Business Growth, Development And Leadership Training Opportunities
At Denim ‘n Dirt Ranch, we also work with businesses to facilitate team development, business growth and leadership skills.
If your business goal is to improve your team functioning and/or to gain more leadership skills, we are here to help you accomplish those goals. Our arena becomes your EXPERIENTIAL WORK PLACE. Research shows over and over again that Experiential Learning is the most effective learning-far more learning retention than any other form of learning!
Please contact Dr. Wick to arrange a consultation and we will look forward to MEETING YOU and discussing your NEEDS and GOALS for this specialized time.
* Custom Workshops available upon request. (ExampleS: Self-Care for Professionals; Self-Care for families, Coping Skills for living in a hectic world, getting over life hurdles, self-compassion, work concerns, staff development etc.)
Don’t forget to join our mailing list and like us on Facebook or Instagram so we can keep you updated on the latest Denim ‘n Dirt news and events.

Big Concerns or Little Concerns…we help you address them all at Denim ‘n Dirt EAGL!
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