This picture shows how our equine friends “mirror” our feelings and moods! Happy person, happy equine! Nervous horse-we know we got a “anxious” person in our midst! Angry person…watch out! The horses start to kick or bite each other-with equines, NO ONE CAN HIDE their feelings. Is this good or bad?-Depends on how much you want to learn about your emotional life. Learning about one’s emotions is the corner stone of all psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is TODAY’S most respected medical model to help people “emotionally grow” in such a way that promotes their WELL-BEING.

Welcome to Equine Assisted Growth and Learning. With the help of our equine co-therapists and facilitators, we are able to help our clients see MORE QUICKLY what is going on “inside of their minds and hearts”, ultimately speeding up the process of psychotherapy. Our team at Denim ‘n Dirt EAGL is forever GRATEFUL to our equines who join us to facilitate the therapy process in such a profound and effective way!